about us
how can you help?

  • ITDG - The Intermediate Technology Development Group
  • Solar Cooking
  • Solar Cookers International
  • IDE - International Development Enterprises
  • ECHO
  • ZERI - Zero Emissions Research and Initiatives
  • International Environmental Technology Centre
  • The Sustainable Village
  • Appropriate Technology Asia
  • Development Center for Appropriate Technology
  • Appropriate Rural Technology Institute
  • Asociaci�n Maya Pedal
  • Appropriate Infrastructure Development Group

  • Organic agriculture
  • The Land Institute
  • Land Stewardship project
  • Soil Association
  • Food First - The Institute for Food and Development Policy
  • IFOAM -International Federation of Organic Agriculture Movements
  • Alternative Farming Systems Information Center
  • Appropriate Technology Transfer for Rural Areas
  • Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education
  • Organic Farming Research Foundation
  • Wild Farm Alliance
  • National Sustainable Agriculture Information Service
  • Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education
  • Navdanya
  • Desert Harvesters
  • Garden Organic
  • Agromisa

  • Agroforestry
  • Agroforestry Research Trust
  • World Agroforestry Center
  • Agroforestry Net
  • The Central Rocky Mountain Permaculture Institute
  • Association for Temperate Agroforestry
  • Edible Forest Gardens
  • International Agroforestry Resources
  • American Bamboo Society

  • Wildlife gardening
  • Wildlife Gardening
  • Wild About Gardens

  • Energy
  • Rocky Mountain Institute
  • Wuppertal Institute
  • The European Association for Renewable Energies
  • Renewable Energy Policy Project
  • Danish Wind Industry Association
  • The World Alliance for Decentralized Energy
  • Foundation for Sustainable Technologies
  • Legacy Foundation
  • Aprovecho Research Center

  • Water
  • IWMI - International Water Management Institute
  • WaterAid
  • SODIS - Solar Water Disinfection
  • Lifewater International
  • Blue Planet Project

  • Sustainable cities
  • Transition Towns
  • Dynamic Cities Project
  • European Green Cities Network
  • Urban Ecology
  • Smart Growth
  • Sustainable Communities Network
  • European Academy of the Urban Environment
  • CNU - Congress for the New Urbanism
  • Eco City Cleveland

  • Education
  • Association for Living Values Education International

  • Permaculture International
  • Permaculture Institute
  • PAL (Permacultura America Latina)
  • Instituto de Permacultura da Bahia
  • Permaculture Association (Britain)
  • The Central Rocky Mountain Permaculture Institute
  • Permaculture Research Institute of Australia
  • ERDA Institute
  • Tagari
  • Instituto Permacultura da Amaz�nia
  • Instituto de Permacultura e Ecovilas da Pampa
  • Never Ending Food (Permaculture in Malawi)
  • Brighton Permaculture Trust

  • Nature conservation
  • IUCN - The World Conservation Union
  • WWF - World Wildlife Fund
  • Rainforest Action Network
  • Conservation International
  • The Nature Conservancy
  • BirdLife International
  • Audubon
  • Earth Island Institute
  • The Peregrine Fund
  • Amazon Watch
  • The Royal Society for the Protection of Birds
  • Living Earth Foundation

  • Sustainable development
  • Worldwatch Institute
  • Earth Policy Institute
  • Forum for the Future
  • SKAT
  • ETC Group
  • Winrock International
  • Smart Communities Network
  • Earthworks
  • The International Development Research Centre
  • International Society for Ecology and Culture
  • Foundation for the Economics of Sustainability
  • International Forum on Globalization

  • Eco-centers
  • Centre for Alternative Technology
  • Solar Living Institute
  • Campus Center for Appropriate Technology
  • Ecocentro IPEC
  • Occidental Arts & Ecology Center
  • ECHO: Networking Global Hunger Solutions
  • Ecoversity
  • Maya Mountain Research Farm
  • Taranaki Environment Centre
  • White Oak Farm & Education Center
  • Rancho Mastatal

  • Health care
  • Path
  • Foundation for Revitalisation of Local Health Traditions
  • Hesperian Foundation
  • Action for Natural Medicine

  • Ecological restoration
  • SER - The Society for Ecological Restoration
  • Remineralize the Earth

  • Handicraft
  • Weave a Real Peace

  • Sustainable buildings
  • Auroville Earth Institute
  • Earthship Biotecture
  • Adobe Alliance
  • Builders Without Borders
  • Building Advisory Service and Information Network
  • The Canelo Project
  • EcoSur
  • Greenbuilding.com
  • Green Architecture and Sustainable Living Websites
  • Cob Cottage Company
  • Natural Building Network
  • The Yestermorrow Design/Build School
  • Earth Hands and Houses
  • A Low Impact Woodland Home